She’s just a few months shy from turning the big Four-Oh 40 but reaching that milestone is not going to stop Kate Moss from living her party lifestyle – especially when it’s for a good cause.
Then again, as she left the Café de Paris in London last night she looked like all she wanted to do was go home and curl up into bed.
The 39-year-old supermodel sported bleary eyes as she left the Rock On charity benefit dinner in aid of the Hoping Foundation, an organisation that raises money for refugee children in Palestine.
Rock On being the operative words for the new face of St Tropez and her musician hubby Jamie Hince, who both looked like they’d had a rather top night.
Yorumcuların dikkatine… • İmlası çok bozuk, • Büyük harfle yazılan, • Habere değil yorumculara yönelik, • Diğer kişilere hakaret niteliği taşıyan, • Argo, küfür ve ırkçı ifadeler içeren, • Bir iki kelimelik, konuyu zenginleştirmeyen, yorumlar KESİNLİKLE YAYIMLANMAYACAKTIR. |
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